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“The trouble with most open minds is that they are open at both ends.”  (E.C. McKenzie, 1800 Quotatable Quotes)

It is impossible to believe everything because of the contractions that lie in all the different teachings.  People often try to pick and chose what they want to believe.  After reading the book titled “The 100” (The 100 most influential people in history), I realized that for thousands of years people have been trying to figure out the best way to govern people.

From these thoughts have come communism, democracy, and other forms of governance.  I believe it is important to teach the children the word of God so that they always have something to measure every thought against.  For everything they learn they will be able to say, “What does God’s word say about this?”


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Saint Patrick’s Day Theme

Saint Patrick’s story is a favourite of mine, especially since I am from an Irish background.

Here is a link to some interesting ideas you could do with your class to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick.

Planning a Kidmin St. Patrick’s Fun Sunday


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Setting High Expectations

Setting High Expectations

Here is an article from Focus on the Family encouraging moms to be firm (mean) in a good way.

The same principles apply in Children’s Ministry.  I have seen many teachers let the kids “run all over them” in an effort to be seen as “nice”.

The best teachers have class rules and expectations that the rules be followed or there will be some sort of consequence.   Generally you don’t have to dish out the consequences very often before the kids know you mean business.

We all learn best when we have peace and structure.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Create What You Love | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Andrew Price

Create What You Love | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Based on Blender Foundation Speech by Andrew Price (view full speech on

Habit # 7 Create what you Love


As people who are serving the Lord we have a strong sense that we are called to something unique and special for us.  We are not called to do everything.  It is clear in the scriptures that God has given out gifts and not all of us have the same gifts.


Andrew says, “You have intrinsic motivation when you are doing something that you love. ”


How this related to me in drawing the cartoons is that I have always loved teaching the word of God in children’s church because I know his word will never return void.  It might take my life time to get this project done but I will never stop because it is what I LOVE to do.


Find out what you love and start doing it.  Even if it takes you your whole life time to complete, take encouragement that you will always have something to wake up in the morning for.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.


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Feedback | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Andrew Price

Feedback | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Based on Blender Foundation speech given by Andrew Price (view video on

Habit #6 Get feedback


Andrew says, “You want true honest feedback.”


In my efforts to cartoon the bible, I found the kids I am reading the stories to, to give me the best true and honest feedback.  I would ask them questions after the story and I could tell whether they were getting the point or if they were confused.


I have been really pleased with how many times they would correct me and see inconsistencies in the cartoons or the story.  I would realize from their feedback that I needed to go and do some rewriting.


Feedback is pure gold. A humble heart is always looking to do better, especially when we are working for the Lord.  Never take feedback as negative.  Don’t be oversensitive about it.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Rest | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Andrew Price

Rest | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Based on a Blender Foundation Speech by Andrew Price (You can view full video at


Habit #5  Rest


Andrew says,  “Take a break from your work then go back and take a look at it with fresh eyes.”


He uses the example of the writer, Stephen King who after he writes a novel, packs it away for 6 months and doesn’t look at it.  When he later re-reads it, he sees it with fresh eyes and sees things he did not see the first time.


I can attest to the fact that when you have been working on something for so long, with so many re-do’s, you don’t see it objectively anymore.


Also when you take rest times your mind somehow sorts out your problems as you rest.  Make sure you bring a recording device or paper and pen, so you can write things down if you get a brilliant idea.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Conscious Learning | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Andrew Price

Conscious Learning | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Based on Blender Foundation speech by Andrew Price (view full videos on

Habit #4 Conscious learning – not practice, practice, practice


I heard a saying “It is  not practice that makes perfect, but perfect practice that makes perfect.”


Andrew uses the example of a time when he was drawing but he was in a rut, not improving – just redrawing the same pictures over and over again.  He realized he needed more training.  He started to re-learn the old things and he realized he hadn’t adopted everything he had learned.


How I found this applied to me in my cartooning of the bible was that I recognized pretty quickly my limitations and I enrolled in a night school course for cartooning once per week at my local college.  I totally enjoyed the experience and enjoyed getting out each week with other people who had like interests.


If you feel like you need more training in the area you are called to, go and get the training.  Look outside the box so to speak, to see how you could make it happen.


Consciously always be improving your skills.  Try not to plateau.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources