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Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

“A man as he so lives may die old at 30 or young at 80.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

I remember an elderly man well into his 80s who ran the bus ministry of a church we attended.  He was always full of joy with sparkling blue eyes and a smile from ear to ear.  He definitely had a younger spirit about him than some of the younger people in the church.  If there is one thing that can keep you young, is that fire for evangelism and passionate love for the Lord.  It was plain to all who knew him that he had a passion for souls.

We as children’s ministers have the privilege of leading children to the Lord.  There is nothing more rejuvenating than that.  Be sure to bask in that joy each time you lead a child to the Lord.  The joy is the reward for our labour.



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Game Donut Dangle

Game – Donut Dangle

In the donut dangle game we attach 3 or 4 strings from a broom stick which will be held by 2 people.  Attach a donut to each string.   Choose a child for each donut.  Put plastic on the floor and garbage bags with a slit for the head over the heads and bodies of the children to protect their clothes.  Each child kneels down in front of a donut.  When you say on your mark, get set, go, the children race to see who can eat their donut off the string first.   When the donut falls to the plastic the race continues.   First one to totally eat their donut is the winner.



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God’s Name

God’s Name

Exodus 20:7  You must not use the name of the Lord your God in a worthless way.  The Lord will hold people guilty who use his name like that. 

God’s name is Holy.  Anyone who says or associates himself to God’s name should reverence him and live a live worthy of being called by his name.

In studying for this lesson I have come to believe that taking God’s name in vain is more than just saying his name in a disrespectful fashion.   When we receive Christ we take his name.  We become “Christian”.   We must live a life worthy of him so that others do not blaspheme, say bad things about our Saviour on our account.

God wants his name declared in all the earth.

 The name of the Lord declares who he is.  God is represented by his name.

Hallowed be thy name.   God’s name is holy, special, separated from every other name.  God’s presence is associated with his name.  Whenever the people were in trouble they would go to the temple and pray in God’s presence (because God’s name was there).

We can cause people to blaspheme (say bad things about) God’s name by our behaviour

People would promise things falsely and swear by God’s name that they would do it.   God does not like when people use his name to make themselves look good, when really they have evil motives.  It is God’s will that all the nations of the world reverence and fear God’s name.  We cannot treat his name like any other regular name.  Servants (employees) should honour their masters so that the name of God and His doctrine are not blasphemed (talked bad about.)    When people don’t respect the people they should respect, people talk bad about our God.  Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Put faith in the name of Jesus.

Don’t just use Jesus name like a tag onto the end of your prayers.   Release your faith into that name when you say it.  David fought Goliath in the name of the Lord.  Cast out devils and do many wonders in his name.  Jesus has a name above every other name.  Jesus has a more excellent name than any angel.  Do everything you do in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

What does God think about those who honour his name?

God has a book of remembrance written for the people who fear him and meditate on his name.   God considers those people who love his name as his jewels.

One day we will see God’s face and his name will be written on our forehead.


Scriptures for Study:  Exodus 9:16, Exodus 34:5-7, Leviticus 19:12   Numbers 6:22-27, Leviticus 24:10-16, Deut 21:5,  1 Samuel 17:45,  2 Chronicles 20:9, Malachi 1:11-14, Malachi 3:16-17, Matthew 6:9, Matthew 7:22, Philippians 2:10, Col 3:17, 1 Timothy 6:1,  2 Timothy 2:19, Hebrews 1:4, Revelation 22:4

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Want friends?  Serve in Children’s Ministry

Want friends?  Serve in Children’s Ministry

“Life is like a game of tennis, the player who serves well seldom loses.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

A happy heart serves.  Joy comes from serving the Lord.

When I think about serving, I think about all the wonderful friends I have made through Children’s Ministry.  There are some lonely people in church, but if they would get involved in serving in a ministry, most often they would make real and lasting friendships.

As Children’s Ministers, take some times to serve those on your ministry team.  Make some social functions that are just for them.  Get to know them.  They may become your dearest friends.

The thing I most love about those who serve in children’s ministry is their sense of humour.  I love how they have learned to roll with the punches (so to speak).  They are most often the most “FUN” people in your church.



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Game Dino’s Disgusting Deli


 Two tables are set at the front and on each are several slices of bread and 5 (disgusting) sandwich ingredients. When the game leader says, “Go”, the teams (in relay fashion) run to the table, lay down a slice of bread, choose one ingredient and put it on the bread, then run back to tag the next player. When all players have contributed to the sandwiches, the game leader will blow the whistle. The game leader chooses two leaders to come to the front and taste the sandwiches. Judging from the leader’s reactions, the game leader chooses which of the two sandwiches is the most disgusting. The team that created the most disgusting sandwich wins the game.


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Worshiping Idols

Worshiping Idols

Exodus 20:3&4  You shall have no other gods before me.  You shall not make for yourselves any carved image … and bow down to them nor serve them.


We should not have idols.  God must have first place in our hearts.

God is a jealous God.   He is devoted to us so much he sent his only Son to die for us.   He wants our total devotion.  If we seek first his kingdom and righteousness all these things will be added to us (material provision and blessing).  God considers himself married to his people.  When people worship idols, to him it is like they commit adultery.


People made idols because they want to worship something they can see with their eyes.

The true God is a spirit and the people that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.   God is looking for those kind of worshipers.   This is why it is impossible to please God without faith.  He that comes to God must believe he is real and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.


Idols are powerless.   Paul said they are nothing.   There is only one true God.

To worship idols is really to worship demons.  Sometimes when people worship idols a supernatural event may take place as a result of worshiping that idol.   The idol itself has no power.   Idols are made of wood, stone or metal, but it is demons that make the supernatural event happen.


You become like the thing you worship.

The more you worship God, the more you will be changed into his image and become like him.  People who worship idols can fall into terrible sin.   They become totally deceived and tricked by the devil.  They may do terrible things believing that they are making the “gods” happy and that they will bring blessings on their lives. There are some sins associated with idol worship ie human sacrifice, adultery, fornication even child prostitution.

The North American culture is not as accustomed to idol worship practices as are some other nations of the world.   We do have some things though that we should avoid such as “psychic powers”, “good luck charms” and games that encourage contact with the spirit world.   God must be first in our lives and then we will be blessed.

Once on a mission trip to India our group encouraged a man to “have no other gods before God” (he was worshipping idols).   His answer was that he worshiped God more than his statues but that he still worshiped his idols too.  He believed that various idols give various blessings.    According to the bible every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights. (1 John 1:17)


People can have heart idols.

The prophet Ezekiel told the elders of Israel that they had heart idols, places in their hearts that they put ahead of God.  Anything that we love more than God can be an idol to us.     We must love Jesus more than any one – athlete, singer, actor or any other famous person.  Covetousness, wanting things so much you cannot be content, is idolatry.


Idolaters will be thrown into the lake of fire. Ouch.


Scriptures to Study:    1 Corinthians 10:19-22, Revelation 21:8, Ezekial 14:3-4, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, Hebrews 11:6, John 4:23, Isaiah 44:15-20, Psalm 115:8


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Making Evangelism Natural

Making Evangelism Natural

“Keep Your head and your heart going in the right direction and you will not have to worry about your feet.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

When I read this I think of evangelism and how many youth groups encourage the kids to share Jesus with their friends.  I think sometimes these things stay in the area of “head knowledge” but when it goes down into the heart it becomes natural to share Jesus.  As humans we love to share things we have found to be good with our friends.  The popularity of social media is proof of our desire to share good things.

Jesus is good, but we need to experience his goodness, fresh each day.  Hence the importance of absorbing God’s word each day, and spending some quiet time with Jesus each day.

Encourage the kids to worship and experience the Lord, daily.  Encourage them to read the word then the things will become supernaturally natural to them.  Feed the fire.  Don’t let it go out.



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Game Clean Your Face


Supplies:  1 can of whipped cream and 2 water guns.   Pick 2 teams of 2 people.   One person from each team will have whipped cream sprayed on their face and the other person from the team must stand behind a designated line and spray off the whipped cream with a water gun.   The first team to have a cleaned off face is the winner!



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Be Tenacious

Be Tenacious

“Many a man has turned and left the dock just before his ship came in.”
(E.C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

The bible is full of stories of people who never gave up.   Tenaciousness is definately a virtue.  Kids need to be constantly reminded to never give up.  Don’t give up just because things are not easy, or conclude that God is against you.  Go with what is in your heart and never give up.

Since God may not work things out the way we think it will happen, we need also to have wisdom and keep open hearts and eyes to see how he may working in our situations.

This is why the bible stories are so important to teach.   Every culture has it’s ancient stories, preserved to encourage every new generation.

Never neglect our spiritual ancient stories.



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The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

1 John 5:3   This is loving God, keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not too hard.

When we receive Jesus, our spirits experience new birth.   Our conscience becomes tender and we want to do God’s commandments.  This bible study is meant to be an overview of all of the Ten Commandments which we will study more in depth in future lessons.   The thing to stress is that we are not justified by keeping the Ten Commandments because none of us has been able to do it.   This is why Jesus came.   His paying our sin debt made a way for God to give us the gift of the new birth.  It is the new birth that makes the difference.  The new birth makes it possible to keep the Ten Commandments.

Sin was in the earth before God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses and the people of Israel.

Early in Genesis we have the account of Cain killing his brother Abel.   There were no Ten Commandments then.  There was no law that said, “You shall not murder”.  Did Cain know that what he did was wrong?   Yes.  How did he know?   His conscience told him.

Why did God give us the Ten Commandments then?

People didn’t always listen to their conscience.  God didn’t give these laws for the good obedient people.   He gave the Ten Commandments for the rebellious ungodly people.    The law or the Ten Commandments just make us know that we sinned when we break one of them.   The law or the Ten Commandments doesn’t help us to stop sinning.

The 10 Commandments were important to God.

He came down from heaven and spoke them audibly so that all the people of Israel could hear them.  He wrote them with his own hand on tablets of stone.  All the other laws he told directly to Moses and then Moses wrote them down.

The 10 Commandments was a school-master to keep us in line until Jesus would come.

If we could have kept all the Ten Commandments then we could have eternal life but no one has been able to keep the Ten Commandments.  The bible says that everyone has sinned.  Jesus kept the Ten Commandments.  He never broke a single commandment.  This is why he could pay our sin debt.  He didn’t owe a sin debt.   Jesus was always in right standing with God.  When we believe on him he imputes (gives) to us his right standing with God, just as if we had never sinned.

A new heart was the real cure for the sin problem.

When a person asks Jesus to come into his/her heart, God gives them a new heart.  They become born again.   God writes his laws on their hearts.  If we listen to our heart we will always do the right thing.

Let love be your guide.

Would love murder someone?  Would love steal from someone?  Would love lie to someone?  Would love covet someone else’s stuff?  Would love be unfaithful to their spouse?  If you really love God would you worship a statue?

Scriptures to Study:  Exodus 19 & 20, Romans 2:14, Romans 3:20, Romans 3:31,  Romans 4:15, Romans 7:12-14, Romans 8:1-2, Romans 10:4-5, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 2:16, Galations 5:14, Galations 6:2, 1 Timothy 1:8-9, Hebrews 10:1, James 1:12, Hebrews 8:10, Hebrews 10:16




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Game Chewing Gum Races


Supplies Needed:   Sticks of chewing gum, work gloves, and shopping bags.  Individually wrapped sticks of gum are placed inside the shopping bags (at least one stick per player).   2 or 3 shopping bags are placed at a goal 20 feet away from the starting line.  Choose 2 or 3 children and give each of them a pair of work gloves.   Have the children recite the memory verse.  Say “On your mark, get set go!”  The children then put on the gloves, run down to their bag, pull out a piece of gum, unwrap it with the gloves on, chew.  The first child to get the gum into their mouth and chewed is the winner.   You may want to have a championship round.   Remember to repeat the memory verse several times between each race.



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The Seed of God’s Word

The Seed of God’s Word

Luke 8:15  But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience. (KJV)

Let the seed of God’s Word take deep root in your heart, then your life will be fruitful.

In this uncertain world, nothing can be more important than taking time on a regular basis to plant God’s Word in your heart.  Nothing has the ability to truly change us like the seed of God’s Word.  God’s word keeps our priorities in line and gives us peace and purpose.

 It is important to understand the parable of the sower and the seed in Luke 8.

Jesus said if we didn’t understand this parable, we would have a hard time understanding all the parables he would teach.  This parable contained important spiritual principles.

  • The seed sown by the wayside.

  • God wants everyone to hear the Word of God, but not everyone receives it.
  • The devil wants to steal the seed of the word of God from people before they have the chance to truly understand and become rooted in God’s Word.
  • We should remember to pray for young believers. Remember they immediately come under attack of the devil.
  • When we hear God’s Word regarding any topic, not just salvation, we should take time to meditate upon it. We should make our best efforts to really understand.  Seek God for understanding.  Don’t let the devil steal a blessing from you.


  • The seed sown on rocky ground.

  • The people here received God’s Word with great joy. The word of God is good news.
  • These people did not process the Word in their hearts and let the seed of God’s word take deep root in them.
  • They only believed for a while. They weren’t committed to the Word.
  • In times of temptation or testing, they don’t follow the Word of God.


  •    The seed sown among thorns.

    The people here received God’s Word and believe.\

  • But they are distracted. They worry about things of this life.  They focus on becoming rich and having fun.
  • They are not able to be all that God intended for them to be.
  • The seed sown on good ground.

  • The good ground is honest, good-hearted people. They are people motivated by the love of God.
  • After they hear God’s word, they keep it. They protect the seed of God’s word in their hearts.  They consider God’s Word to be the most important thing in the world to them.  They meditate upon God’s Word and let his Word root deeply in their hearts.
  • They bring forth fruit with patience. They are patient.  They are committed to the things of God for a lifetime.
  • God is able to do in them, all that he wants to do. Some bring forth 30, some 60 and some 100 times.


  • God’s Word is Alive

  • God’s word is living and powerful. Sometimes people try to change themselves and it doesn’t work, but if they just fill their hearts with the seed of God’s word, they would find their lives transforming without all of the struggle.
  • Just like newborn babies desire milk, we are to desire the milk of God’s word in order to grow by it.


The Seed of God’s Word once it is deeply rooted is a powerful force.

The seed of God’s word was so deeply rooted in the apostles that they spread the gospel all over the then known world and most of them suffered or were martyred because of the message.   The apostle Paul the day after being stoned and raised up by God, immediately went to the next town and preached the Gospel.

If we let the seed of God’s Word take deep root in us, we also will be busy about our Father’s business and complete his work for us.

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