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Credibility | Keeping Your Word

Credibility | Keeping Your Word

Below is a link to a blog from Insight for Living Ministries about credibility.  Here is a quote from the article:

“Jurors often have reason to doubt the testimony of a witness on the stand. Parents, likewise, have reason at times to doubt their children’s word (and vice versa). Citizens frequently doubt the promises of politicians, and the credibility of an employee’s word is questioned by the employer. Creditors can no longer believe a debtor’s verbal promise to pay, and many a mate has ample reason to doubt the word of his or her partner. This is a terrible dilemma! Precious few do what they say they will do without a reminder, a warning, or a threat. Unfortunately, this is true even among Christians.”

I remember when I was a young Christian and I came to understand the bible verse Psalm 15:4 “The righteous man swears to his own hurt, and does not change.”

This is MOST DEFINITELY a response that does not come naturally to children or adults and yet when you see this put into action it is a very powerful witness for the Lord.  Let us not neglect this most fundamental character development.



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Understanding Personalities

Understanding Personalities

Below is a link to an article posted by Focus on the Family.  As a Children’s Minister you might want to forward it on to the families in your church.

How I found this related to me in the Children’s Church setting, was in understanding my daughter.  Although she was and is my greatest helper, because of the familiarity, she could try to “take charge”.  Fortunately I recognized early on, that the reason she is like that is because she is a natural born leader.  Understanding her personality helped me to avoid a lot of conflict.



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Children’s Church Games

Children’s Church Games

Here is a link to some Children’s Church Games that are faith related.  Perhaps one of them will suit your topic this week.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources

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Children’s Worship Song: A Gift To You

Children’s Worship Song:  A Gift to You

Here is a beautiful children’s worship song, easy for the children to learn.  It is important for kids to be able to worship God with songs that are uncomplicated, easy to sing from the heart.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources

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Turning Points Part Two (From Insight for Living Blog)

God never wastes times of testing. The pain and struggles you face only SEEM futile.

— Charles R. Swindoll



Below is the link to the rest of the blog article from Insight for Living.

This life has times of suffering.  No one is exempt, not even children.  I myself lost my father to cancer when I was 9 years old.  ONLY Jesus makes life make sense.    Children who have a living relationship with Jesus always have hope.  The strength of child hood, I believe, is that we really do seek to know Jesus, just for the sake of knowing him.  As adults sometimes our pursuit of him gets more complicated especially when we have life and ministry responsibilities.

May we all seek to know Jesus more, just to know him.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources

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Turning Points

As a parent and children’s minister I am always praying that God will get a strong hold of the children’s hearts.  I pray that the Word of God will take strong root and that if any of them head down the wrong path, they will have a turning point back to God.  In so many ways I have found God unresistable.  His love and presence and the joy his words bring, keep me unsatisfied with the “pleasures” of this world’s system.

Here is the first half of a good article by Chuck Swindoll.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources

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Children’s Games

Children’s Games for Kids Church


Hi friends I am always on the hunt for games that I can do in kids church.  I like to start out the service with review games especially if I can cover the bible story from the previous week.

Attached is a link for some really good children’s games.  I especially like the one called “Chatter Bee” .  I think I will try it this Sunday.

Have Fun!

Click here for Children’s Church Curriculum

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Highly Sensitive Kids

Attached is an article from Focus on the Family.  I hope you will read it to the end.  It is actually written for parents but I think there is some good advice in there for children’s ministry workers too.  This is what I took away from the article.

  1. Having a set routine in your services HELPS highly sensitive kids.  All kids but especially the sensitive ones like the predictability of a set routine.
  2. Keep good order in the class.  Don’t let the kids get “rowdy”.  Make sure there is some consequence for disruption and follow through, even if it means from time to time a child has to go and sit with their parents.
  3. Make sure the worship time engages the kids.  This is why we come to church – to engage with God.  Ask the kids what they perceived God was saying to them.  You may be surprised what they tell you.

Click here for Children’s Church Resources


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How Struggle Helps us

How Struggle Helps Us

Below is a link to a blog I found at Chuck Swindoll’s web site.  When I look back over my life, I see how the struggles I experienced as a child actually made my spiritual life very strong, because I looked to the Lord for help.  (My father died when I was 9 and I turned to Jesus and he eventually revealed the Heavenly Father to me.)

We never wish troubles on anyone, but when we see children struggling, encourage them to hold unto Jesus more than ever.  What can seem to be a setback can actually be used by God to propel our faith forward, stronger than it would have without the struggle.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources


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Children Church Songs

Hi friends, if you are like me you are always looking for meaningful music easy for the kids to “get into”.  Here is a link for a song which has been around for a long time but is fun to watch.  “Super Hero.”

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources