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A Blog by Rev. Grace Verrier

On occasion my husband has lost the attention of his congregants while he is preaching.  It is always obvious to me that he has done so, but he never seems to notice.  Adults are so polite when they find something you are speaking about uninteresting.  However, children will soon let you know when you have lost their attention.  They are so honest.  All you have to do is change your way of ministering and they’ll be right back in tune with you.  You can be totally honest with them, even telling them not to talk while you are talking.  (I wonder what would happen if the pastor did that in adult church?)  They can be so funny in their questions and reactions to what you are teaching and so innocent when receiving God’s word at face value.  Best of all they definitely forget your mistakes.  Once I made a mistake and said there were 10 spies who went into the promised land.  (Imagine how that would have gone over in adult church!)  To correct myself the following week all I said was, “Last week what I told you was wrong.  There weren’t 10 spies – there were 12 spies.”  The children answered, “Okay.”, and that was the end of it.  So simple!


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