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Teaching Children to be Grateful

Teaching Children to be Grateful

Here is an article from a blog at Focus on the Family about gratitude – teaching children to be grateful.

The part I most liked is the exercise of actually counting your blessings.

In Children’s Church, you might actually have children count their blessings and make a contest to see which group could come up with the most common everyday blessings that we often take for granted.


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Do A Little Every Day | 7 Habits of a Good Artist | Andrew Price

Do a Little Every Day | SEVEN HABITS OF A GOOD ARTIST based on Blender Foundation Speech by Andrew Price.  (You should be able to view the full series on

Habit #1 is “Do a little bit every day”.

If you are reading this blog, you most likely know that I am attempting to cartoon the entire bible (at least all the parts that have a story to illustrate).  A few times I have felt overwhelmed to the point of tears at how massive this project was, but I have learned that doing a little bit everyday does add up.   I am amazed at how much I do get accomplished when I block a certain amount of time each business day of the week, and stick to my schedule.

The old Chinese proverb is true that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep.

Use your little moments that you do get.  Use the technology you have.  Record ideas on your cell phone.  Don’t lose time.  Don’t lose a thought.  Even if you don’t have time to develop your thoughts at this moment, at least they are recorded for the future when you do have time.


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Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children India | Mission Moment #5

Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children in India | Mission Moment #5

Here are a few more of the children’s stories as sent to me by Simon David, the director of the home in India.  Here is his contact information

(For some reason I am unable to rotate the photo – sorry about that.)  Maria’s mother is suffering from AIDS, when this girl was born, she wanted to kill her by grinding her in the mill. When she was taking her, one of the school teacher/pastor came to know about it and took the child from her. Pastor contacted us and requested us to take her. At present she has no one to call her, her own. Hence we took her and that is the reason she is with us.  When we took her for check up she came out Positive with AIDS.  As I informed that Maria’s mother is pregnant, I understand that she delivered another girl child and I am sure she should also be carrying AIDS.

Epsibha is the 4 child in her family. They can’t afford even 2 meals a day.  Mother wanted to get her aborted, hence she took many steps like tablets and so on. But to her surprise she was born that also a girl. Hence she was joined in our home.

This is Nagamani. Her father wanted to kill her as she was the 7th girl child. When she came to know about her father’s plan she told her mother and ran away from her house and with her mother’s help she came and joined our home.


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Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children India | Mission Moment #4

Mission Moment #4 | Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children

In the next few weeks we will be focusing on some of the children the home cares for.  All of these stories were provided to me by Simon David, the director of the home.  You can reach him at

Pavani lost her father when she was 3 months old. Her grand parents chased the mother and the girl out of the house, because they said we have nothing to do with the child as our own son is no more. Hence Padma and her daughter Pavani had to live alone, and that is when they knocked our door and we kept her with us. Pavani was suffering with terrible fits and God healed her.

This girl is our branch Pastor’s daughter. She was in incubator and Doctors gave up hopes and told only a miracle can save her. When we came to know we went and prayed for her. God heard our prayers and saved this child. Pastor promised God that if she survives I will leave her in our home. That is the reason why she is with us.


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Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children | Mission Moment Part 3

Here is a letter from the American pastor whose church sends a team each year to the Home for Aids Affected Children.  He recounts how his church came to be in contact with Mr. Simon David, the Indian businessman who founded the Home for Aids Affected Children.

Here’s my story —

At Bear Valley Community Church we decided we needed to do something about the AIDS crisis in the world. So we asked around if anyone knew of any ministry that we could support anywhere in the world. As God would have it: here’s the crazy thing that happened. A guy in our church had just returned from India where he had been standing on a curb trying to get across a 10-lane street with traffic buzzing around. So an Indian man, S.V. David, took him by the hand and helped him skirt through 10 lanes of traffic without getting killed. My friend told me that the man, S.V. David had an AIDS home and orphanage for children whose parents died of AIDS leaving them orphans. That’s how we found out about El-Rohi.


So a few months later our team left for India to visit this home – El Rohi. Once in Hyderabad, India, we drove on a 4-lane road for about an hour, then we drove on a 2-lane road, then we drove on a 1-lane road, then we found ourselves driving down a dirt path. Who knew where this road would take us? We finally arrived at a gate, and we entered. The children were in the middle of a worship service when we arrived. They were singing, they were all dressed up in their native garb, the children were dancing to the energetic music, and there was preaching.


To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when we arrived at the home. I assumed it would be a bunch of little poverty kids who were just trying to survive. Instead in the midst of the beautiful children, the heart-felt music, and the gorgeous scenery with palm trees, my first thought was this — “Is this what heaven is going to be like?” It’s hard for me to describe the sensation I had from the Lord and the feeling of God’s overwhelming presence there in this little tiny spot filled with these precious kids, but I saw the Lord there that day, and I’ve never been the same since.

Here is a photo of me a few years ago with a little girl, Leah, who was saved from a mother who said she didn’t need any more children and so was going to terminate the baby’s life when born. Leah is now in the 2nd grade and is number one in her class in school. She loves Jesus and is a trophy of God’s grace.

Pastor Lee Johnson, Ph.D.
Bear Valley Community Church
7900 Precinct Line Road
Colleyville, TX  76034


“We give our lives helping people and families find their place in God’s story.”


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Why Start a Home for Aids Affected Children? | Mission Moment #2

As I mentioned in my previous blog, many years ago a Christian minister in India contacted me in regards to helping with children’s ministry.   This was in the early days of email.  Now I receive many such requests and most of them I don’t pursue, but this one seemed special.  I asked him if he would write and tell my why he started the home for Aids Affected Children.  Below is his response.


“We have a small hut church in this village. Whenever we conduct the service few children and women used to stay back with us after the service is over and this increased rapidly. When we inquired about them, they would say that they have been chased out by their own family members and their village people because they have AIDS. They would say can you please ask Jesus to heal us or please allow us to stay in the church.

Some mothers wanted to silently kill their daughter by feeding them with paddy husks, (when this goes into the food pipes, it will tear them and they will silently die, without anyone knowing that this a cold blooded murder) because they already have 4 daughters. This moved our hearts, it was then when we went on our knees to Pray for them. Holy Spirit gave us a burden to build a Orphanage for children and shelter for the AIDS affected women.”

If you would like to contact the director of this Home for Aids Affected Children,  Mr. Simon David, you may do so through his email address

Below is the story of one of the children they are caring for.

Pavani lost her father when she was 3 months old. Her grand parents chased the mother and the girl out of the house, because they said we have nothing to do with the child as our own son is no more. Hence Padma and her daughter Pavani had to live alone, and that is when they knocked our door and we kept her with us. Pavani was suffering with terrible fits and God healed her.


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Over Under Game

Over Under Game for Children’s Ministry

Good high energy game for all ages. Instead of water, you may find slippery things at a dollar store that make this game a lot of fun to pass from one to another.


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Orphanage and Home for Aids Affected Children in India | Mission Moment #1



If you are considering missions India, you may be interested in the next few blogs.  Many years ago I was contacted by a ministry to children in India.  Over time we communicated until one day the gentleman running the ministry asked if he might translate the gospel book I had done, into Telegu (the language of his area.)  Of course I gave permission.   Later he me a copy of the gospel book he had produced as well as pictures of large groups of children with big smiles on their faces, holding their copy of the book.

In time this gentleman headed up a ministry to Aids Affected Children, and opened a home to support them as well as other orphans.  Over the years I have been sent heart touching stories about the children they care for.  It is my intention in the next several Monday Blogs to include some of their short stories.

I have found the gentleman always to be upright and honest.  There is a church in the United States that sends a team each January to minister at this place.  I will also include a testimonial letter from their pastor as well.

In this day and age, there are many voices calling out for our attention and support, but it is worth the effort to search out authentic mission ministry to children.  The Lord’s heart is longing to reach the hurting and unreached and we all know HE LOVES CHILDREN.


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Here are more stories from Simon David the director of the home for children in India.  You may contact him if you wish at

This is Ezra, this boy ran away from his home and was wandering on the roads. As one of the cops who is known to me requested me to take him in our home, hence he is with us.

(photo not included for child’s protection)

George’s father (name changed) had many wives. As George was a hinderence to him, he wanted to get rid of George. One day his father came with a knife to kill him. This boy with some injuries came and landed in our home with his mothers concern. His father is still in a hunt for George.

This Raveli, she lost her father with AIDS. She ran away from home and landed in her uncle’s house. When he heard about our home he requested us to take her in our home.  Long after we taking her, her mother Lakshmi from whom all the evil sprits were delivered. She is the one from whom all the knifes/bottles/bricks/stones came out. Today she is delivered and she is well.

This Ajay, she lost both his parents from AIDS. He is been abandoned by his own family members and the society.


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DEVELOP YOUR TALENT:  It took me some time to accept all the “re-do’s” that I had to do in my cartoon drawings and bible story writing. All the early stories that I did, I had to re-do at least 3 times and at first I used to get so frustrated and angry at myself.  “Like why do I have to learn SO slowly and why do I have to re-do all this?”  As things start to click in, you get a little wiser, but through all this, I have come to realize that God has allowed time in his plan for us to develop our skills.


Keep on walking.  Don’t get discouraged if you have “re-do’s” in life.  You will always be under construction until the day you go home.

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The message I want to remind you of as a children’s minister is the importance of remembering to feed your spirit.  You need personal time with the Lord that is NOT about ministry.  I know, having been a children’s minister, that you can spend enormous amounts of time doing the work of the ministry doing bible related activity.  But, you can end up neglecting time with the Lord that is not focused on anything but him, so that he can talk to you.  Don’t forget to spend time reading the bible with an open mind and no agenda for ministry.


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The church has had 2000 years to win the world by religion, and many times the religion is “sour”.  Religion by rules never worked in the Old Testament under the law.  People do well under love and grace.  Jesus was the friend of children and sinners.


For many who grew up in church as children, all they remember was a bunch of rules.  The church ought to be a joyful, accepting warm place especially for children.  In most cases they equate Jesus with how we represent him.  Tis a great responsibility.  We want children to see Jesus as “sweet” not “sour”.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.