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Game Ping Pong Ball Races


Using masking tape put a start line and a finish line on the floor.  Choose 2 or 3 children who will line up at the starting line.  They must recite the memory verse.    After the teacher says “1,2,3,go!”, the children must get down on their hands and knees and blow their ping pong ball to the finish line.   They must not at any point touch the ball with their hands.   First person to get their ball across the finish line is the winner.Repeat the race with new children as often as you wish.   Recite memory verse between each round.  For added fun divide the class into 2 or 3 teams and assign a teacher to each team to be their team leader.    Have the team leaders race with each other.  Award 5,000 points for each win.   Team with the most points at the end wins.



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Game Pass the Orange


You can either play this pass the orange game in two teams or stand around together in one circle. The object is simply to pass an orange from one person to another, using only the chins and the shoulders. If you are using two teams, you can make it a race, but it is always very funny whichever way you play.  Repeat the memory verse between rounds.



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Game Object Game

Object Game

The game leader will name an item that a child might have in their possession, i.e. a certain colour of sock, a shoe lace, a hair ribbon, a watch, a necklace, a running shoe, even a hair (kids are so enthusiastic they pull some hairs out of their head and laugh about it!)  .  If the group is small you might have a race and the first child who brings you that item, wins that round.  If the group is bigger, each team should have an appointed runner who brings the item up.  Recite memory verse between each round.  Award points for each item.  For a real humourous twist, that the kids really get into, ask for a nice crusty booger (green nose mucus).



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Christ is the Foundation

Christ is the Foundation

“A happy home is more than a roof over your head, it is a foundation under your feet.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

This saying I believe, also goes for your church home.

Churches are meant to be nurturing places, encouraging the discouraged, equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.  Most times this is the case, but there are times when churches go through great troubles.   Some are financial troubles, leadership who fall into sin, control situations etc.

In my years as a children’s minister, I have seen young people go through traumatic times in their relationship with the church because their parents have gone through traumatic times with the church.   Maybe they hear lots of “pastor stew” at home.  Remind the kids that people are not perfect and if we put our eyes on people, we will be disappointed.  But ,Jesus never changes and his word never changes.  He never disappoints.

I have noticed that when churches run into troubles there are some people who fall by the wayside. But, those whose foundation was firmly on Christ and his teaching, rebound with wisdom and vigor.

We want the kids in our children’s church to be rebounders.



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Game Labyrinth

Game – Labyrinth


This is a really fun game if you have a room with enough space to play.

Divide class into two teams.  One team spreads out evenly unto the floor area.  The other team lines up against the wall.  This team gets to be the runners first.


One at a time each player from the team against the wall, leaves the wall and has to try to last 20 seconds running around in between the players out on the floor area.  The kids on the floor area throw a soft ball to each other and try to hit the runner with the ball.  If the runner lasts for 20 seconds without being hit then he/she has earned their team a point.


After each player on the running team has had a chance to run, then the teams are reversed and the runners become the players on the floor area.  The other team lines up against the wall and becomes the runners.


Team with most points at the end wins.



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Conscience – A Gift from God

Conscience – A Gift from God

“The most painful wound in the world is the stab on conscience.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

Our conscience is a gift from God, the first way to tell us right from wrong.  It is meant to keep us living the “good life”.

Encourage the kids to never ignore their conscience.  It is their first defense against evil and it is there to protect.  The bible says that when people’s consciences become seared, and past feeling, they become capable of doing great evil.  This in turn leads to judgment and destruction.

Keeping a tender heart starts with heeding the voice of your conscience.  Remind the kids constantly that there is forgiveness with God when we confess our sins.

If our lives were a castle, our conscience is definitely the moat.

Dictionary Definition



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Game Knee Relays


Play this as a team knee relay game.   The first player from each team puts a book between his knees and rushes off around the room (one clockwise, one counterclockwise).  A dropped book means going back to the start.   Hands may be used only during a changeover from one player to another within a team. The team that finishes first wins.  Recite the memory verse before and between each round.



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Game Hot Stinky Sneaker


This game is similar to “hot potato”.    Have the children form a line across the front of the class.   Pick a child wearing running shoes and ask for one of their shoes.  When the music starts the children pass the running shoe down the line and back again until the music stops.   When the music stops, the child who is at that moment holding the shoe becomes eliminated from the game.   Music starts again and a child is eliminated each time until there remains only one child left – the winner.  Remember to have the children recite the memory verse between each round of play.



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Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

“A man as he so lives may die old at 30 or young at 80.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

I remember an elderly man well into his 80s who ran the bus ministry of a church we attended.  He was always full of joy with sparkling blue eyes and a smile from ear to ear.  He definitely had a younger spirit about him than some of the younger people in the church.  If there is one thing that can keep you young, is that fire for evangelism and passionate love for the Lord.  It was plain to all who knew him that he had a passion for souls.

We as children’s ministers have the privilege of leading children to the Lord.  There is nothing more rejuvenating than that.  Be sure to bask in that joy each time you lead a child to the Lord.  The joy is the reward for our labour.



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Game Donut Dangle

Game – Donut Dangle

In the donut dangle game we attach 3 or 4 strings from a broom stick which will be held by 2 people.  Attach a donut to each string.   Choose a child for each donut.  Put plastic on the floor and garbage bags with a slit for the head over the heads and bodies of the children to protect their clothes.  Each child kneels down in front of a donut.  When you say on your mark, get set, go, the children race to see who can eat their donut off the string first.   When the donut falls to the plastic the race continues.   First one to totally eat their donut is the winner.



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Want friends?  Serve in Children’s Ministry

Want friends?  Serve in Children’s Ministry

“Life is like a game of tennis, the player who serves well seldom loses.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

A happy heart serves.  Joy comes from serving the Lord.

When I think about serving, I think about all the wonderful friends I have made through Children’s Ministry.  There are some lonely people in church, but if they would get involved in serving in a ministry, most often they would make real and lasting friendships.

As Children’s Ministers, take some times to serve those on your ministry team.  Make some social functions that are just for them.  Get to know them.  They may become your dearest friends.

The thing I most love about those who serve in children’s ministry is their sense of humour.  I love how they have learned to roll with the punches (so to speak).  They are most often the most “FUN” people in your church.



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Making Evangelism Natural

Making Evangelism Natural

“Keep Your head and your heart going in the right direction and you will not have to worry about your feet.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

When I read this I think of evangelism and how many youth groups encourage the kids to share Jesus with their friends.  I think sometimes these things stay in the area of “head knowledge” but when it goes down into the heart it becomes natural to share Jesus.  As humans we love to share things we have found to be good with our friends.  The popularity of social media is proof of our desire to share good things.

Jesus is good, but we need to experience his goodness, fresh each day.  Hence the importance of absorbing God’s word each day, and spending some quiet time with Jesus each day.

Encourage the kids to worship and experience the Lord, daily.  Encourage them to read the word then the things will become supernaturally natural to them.  Feed the fire.  Don’t let it go out.