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Be Tenacious

Be Tenacious

“Many a man has turned and left the dock just before his ship came in.”
(E.C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

The bible is full of stories of people who never gave up.   Tenaciousness is definately a virtue.  Kids need to be constantly reminded to never give up.  Don’t give up just because things are not easy, or conclude that God is against you.  Go with what is in your heart and never give up.

Since God may not work things out the way we think it will happen, we need also to have wisdom and keep open hearts and eyes to see how he may working in our situations.

This is why the bible stories are so important to teach.   Every culture has it’s ancient stories, preserved to encourage every new generation.

Never neglect our spiritual ancient stories.



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Craft | Mother’s Day | Flower Pots

Craft for Mother’s Day

Here is a link to a craft idea for Mother’s Day.  Kids love popsicle sticks and they do make pretty flower pots when painted.



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“If the responsibility for all poverty is placed on the wealthy, why not blame all sickness on the healthy.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

Obviously  not all poverty is caused by laziness, but some is.  It is my observation with kids that their natural default is NOT to work and be productive.  Most want to relax, play games and watch television for hours if allowed to.

As children’s ministers we can kind of delve into some topics that are considered meddling, but Jesus and the book of proverbs confronts such topics such as laziness and various causes of troubles in the world.

As children’s ministers we should not hold back on those parts of the Word that talk about moderation, laziness and social ills.   Encourage the kids to be moderate, to not over-eat the wrong foods and not over watch television and computer games.   Encourage them constantly to be contributing members of society and salt and light in their world.



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The Power of Habits

The Power of Habits

“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

My son once asked me about somebody  being born bad.  I told him people are not born bad it is the habits that we make that make us become who we are.

That is why we are to make good spiritual habits.  As Children’s ministers we are one of the first in line to help kids make good spiritual habits.  We can remind them to pray each day and to read their bible.  Remind them to be like Jesus was when he was growing up.

I always love when you read scripture and it gives a window into the everyday lifestyle of the people, especially Jesus.  We see he had the habit to pray early in the morning and we often see him praying late at night too.  We see him choosing a place to pray and then going there on a regular basis.   He must have had the habit of giving, because when he instructed Judas to go and do what he had to do quickly, the other disciples thought he was going to give to the poor.

He must also have had the habit of meditating on scripture as well, for he was able to quickly respond in every situation with, “It is written …”




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Craft | Snow Slime

Craft – Snow Slime


My kids love making slime!  This will be sure to be a class favourite craft.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Crafts | Window Silouettes

Christmas Crafts Window Silouettes

Here is a link to some very pretty Christmas craft ideas.  The tissue paper silouettes will look just lovely hanging in a window.  Sure to be a child favourite.

Christmas Silhouette Window Decorations

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Craft | Popsicle Nativity Ornament

Nativity Popsicle Stick Ornament

This popsicle stick nativity ornament  christmas craft is so sweet in it’s simplicity.  The kids will enjoy making faces on the different characters.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Craft | Graham Cracker House and Other Ideas

Christmas Craft Graham Cracker House and Other Ideas

Here is a link to some good christmas craft ideas for kids.  As long as you have no one with food allergies in the class, making a graham cracker house will be a child favourite.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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The Crucifixion of Christ

The Crucifixion of Christ

“What this country needs is not more liberty but fewer people who take liberty with liberty.”
(By E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

As children’s ministers and as parents, there are many parts of the bible that are hard to teach children because they are so brutal, with many references to killing.   Most often we avoid those stories or pass over them until the kids are older.  Sometimes we make slight changes to make them less brutal and I am not saying that is wrong.  When you ask kids about Noah’s ark, they remember all the fluffy animals in the boat, not all the ones who died.  Even at Christmas, people rarely think of all of the sadness in Bethlehem the morning after Christ’s birth caused by the killing of all of the boys two years old and under.

There is one account that I believe should never be softened up.  Every detail needs to be engraved into our hearts so that we never take lightly the cross that gave us liberty.  When we teach the crucifixion of Christ, I think we need to share the difficult details, like how he didn’t even look like a man any more after the whipping.

During the age when my son was 3 to 6 years old, he only ever wanted to read one story in the bible.  “Jesus on the Cross” he called it.  It made a great impression upon him.  May we never loose the awe of that sacrifice.

When you are teaching the crucifixion, keep it serious.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.