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A Blog by Rev. Grace Verrier



We have worshipped God in the sanctuary and while the pastor gives his sermon the children exit to be taught Biblical principles using effective teaching methods for children.  However, the children have been standing or sitting quietly in the sanctuary for the previous 20 to 30 minutes.  As teachers walk to the designated teaching areas we realize that we now have little human “pressure cookers” in our midst fully waiting to release their “steam”.  We can either try desperately to curtail that energy or we can harness and utilize it.  Children love to be active while they are being taught.  Why not use calisthentics to teach God’s word while they burn off energy?

 This is a great time to do “Bible Exercises”.  For example, sing the books of the Bible while exercising doing jumping jacks, running on the spot, physical contortions, etc.  We can sing Bible action songs with exaggerated actions.  We can be part of the “Lord’s army” marching and doing callisthenics to scripture.

If we, as adults, are unable to lead these actions, we can choose a child with exceptional energy to do so.  However, children love to be “better than adults” and they don’t seem to mind when the adult is unable to make the full movements expected.  We can join them in laughter, roll our eyes and keep on going.  Once I got down on the floor to do a push up and as I got up one little voice said, “PG you are creaking!”  When I realized children and activity go hand in hand and I read the scripture, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some, (I Cor 9:22) I joined a gym.



Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.


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Greet the Children Too. Don’t Overlook them.

Greet the Children Too.  Don’t Overlook them.


(A blog written by Rev. Grace Verrier.) (Used with permission.)

Last Sunday when I was about to enter the door of the church, the greeter (who is a really friendly person) opened his arms to give me a hug and welcome me.  However, out of the corner of his eye he spied some old friends who were about two meters behind me and he immediately pivoted his body and moved away from me to greet them with an exuberant embrace.  I know that he did not overlook me on purpose and that his happiness to see old friends overwhelmed his manners for the moment.  However, it made me realize that every week the same thing I experienced happens to the children in our church.  Adults greet other adults at the door but nobody greets the children.  It happens again when the pastor asks us to greet one another during announcement time.  Adults reach over the child beside them to an adult two chairs away to shake hands with them or hug them.  The children either stand feeling rejected or with fear of being smothered.  (Imagine being caught between two embracing giants.)  It often happens that when I do look toward children and reach out to greet them they turn to look behind them to see who I am greeting because they are so accustomed to being ignored.  I am reminded that Jesus didn’t overlook the children.  “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14)


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.


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(by Grace Verrier)


Imagine going into a church and experiencing an entire service presented in a language we cannot understand.  “When anyone hears the message of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.”  (Matthew 13:18,19)  It is essential that we limit our vocabulary to children’s vocabulary when teaching children.  If it is necessary to use more than a two-syllable word, be sure to explain what the word means.  Also, realize that young children are not able to grasp the concept of analogy.  For example, “The devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” may be interpreted as “Every roaring lion is the devil” in a child’s mind.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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An article by Rev. Grace Verrier


What would it be like to see through a child’s eyes?  Imagine walking into a church and seeing giants everywhere.  If I walked into a room full of people who are twice as tall as I am, it could be a frightening experience.  That is why I have learned to greet children at their own level.  (Why pay to go to the gym to do squats when it is free to do one every time I greet a child?)  There is an instant connection when I look straight into a child’s eyes.  They know that I care enough to meet them on their own level.  Children are exactly the same as we are – just shorter. “Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.”  (1st Samuel 16:7)


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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King Pin Game

King Pin Game for Children’s Ministry

Here is a high energy running game best done in a gymnasium or church basement. Get rid of the wiggles and giggles before you teach the Word of God.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Curriculum.

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Craft | Snow Slime

Craft – Snow Slime


My kids love making slime!  This will be sure to be a class favourite craft.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Crafts | Window Silouettes

Christmas Crafts Window Silouettes

Here is a link to some very pretty Christmas craft ideas.  The tissue paper silouettes will look just lovely hanging in a window.  Sure to be a child favourite.

Christmas Silhouette Window Decorations

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Present Game

Christmas Present Game for Children’s Ministry

Watch the joy on the children’s faces as they play this Christmas themed game. A twist would be to start with large boxes and have boxes inside of boxes.


Click her for Children’s Ministry Resources.


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Game – Big Clothes Relay


Make 2 teams of 4 people each.   Usually boys vs. girls works best.  Have them line up one behind the other at the starting line.  In front of each line is a pile of over-sized clothing. There is an equal number of articles in each pile.   When you say 1,2, 3, go, the first child from each team puts on every article of clothing and then runs to the finish line.    They must run back to their team and touch the next person in line who will now put all the clothes on and run to and back from the finish line.  When each person has finished their part of the relay the team sits down.   First team to be all sitting down is the winner. Pick new teams.   Remember to repeat the memory verse several times between rounds.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.


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Christmas Craft | Popsicle Nativity Ornament

Nativity Popsicle Stick Ornament

This popsicle stick nativity ornament  christmas craft is so sweet in it’s simplicity.  The kids will enjoy making faces on the different characters.


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Children’s Worship Song

Christmas Children’s Worship Song for Children’s Ministry

Looking for Christmas Children’s songs? Here is an original song by Go Fish. The message is about us not being ashamed to celebrate Christmas.

It’s Called Christmas


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.

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Christmas Craft | Graham Cracker House and Other Ideas

Christmas Craft Graham Cracker House and Other Ideas

Here is a link to some good christmas craft ideas for kids.  As long as you have no one with food allergies in the class, making a graham cracker house will be a child favourite.

Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.