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A blog by Grace Verrier

My parents told me, “Children should be seen and not heard.”  They often quoted this poem to me:

When company is here my girl
I think you ought to know
They didn’t come to see a silly clown
Put on a silly show
They didn’t come to see you dance
Or stand upon your head
Or summersault around the room
Before you go to bed
They came to have a quiet talk
And sip a cup of tea
And not to watch a silly ape
Act like a chimpanzee

 That was many years ago and the world is much different now.  I actually delight in visits with my grandchildren when they perform for me on the trampoline or dance around the room and do gymnastics.  However, some of the old generational thinking is still in the church.  Although I am sure we don’t mean to, we often seem to belittle children in our midst.  Once I heard someone say, “Last night 2-1/2 people were saved!”  He went on to explain that there were two adults and one child saved.  I found that reasoning difficult to follow.  After all, the two adults have only 1/2 of their lives to live for God.  The child has his whole life to live for God.  Another statement that I often hear is “Children are the church of the future.”  I do not feel that way at all.  Children are a valued part of the church already.  They will be future church leaders.  Just as many children were discouraged and curtailed from their exuberant expressions in previous times, children sometimes are discouraged and curtailed in their God-given expressions because we as a church expect a certain behaviour from them.  Yes, of course children must show respect to others by not running through the sanctuary or pounding on the instruments.  However there are ways that children can express themselves that people and God totally approve of.  For example we can show children how to worship God as stated in Psalm 150 or as David did when he brought up the ark.  (II Samuel 6:14)  David danced before the Lord with all his might.  Now, that can be a bit strenuous for adults but children revel in it.  This is HOW CHILDREN LIKE TO PRAISE GOD.


Click here for Children’s Church Curriculum.

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Children’s Worship Songs

Children’s Worship Songs for Children’s Ministry


Looking for children’s worship songs? Have the kids rockin’ with this re-make of the classic Hallelu/Praise ye the Lord by Yancie.

Praise the Lord


Click here for Children’s Ministry Resources.